วันศุกร์ที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Finding Time to Workout

Once upon a time, there was so much more time to do more of everything. We even had time to play, run and exercise. We didn’t think need to motivation to work out, it just seemed to happen.
Then some how, some time, when we weren’t paying attention, all that free time went away. Now we have a lot to do and it seems like less time to do it. We’ll leave how that happened for another time.
Now, we need to figure out how to squeeze or carve, or do something to find time to work out.
I went through periods when I was working in New York City and living in New Jersey. The commute was over an hour in each direction and the days sometimes wouldn’t end until after 11:00 p.m. Then it was back to the 6:35 a.m train for more. There wasn’t much time in those days, so I had to invent it. Here are the few of the things I did.

Close the Door

I would steal five minutes, several times a day, and stretch. Sometimes, I would close the door to my office and do it. Other times, while waiting for a meeting to start, I would stretch. When stretching, I would take really deep breaths through and out the nose. My favorite stretch is to fully extend the arms above the head, open the hands like a fully blossomed flower and push to the sky for 10 counts and then lower the arms back down to the side. Breath in while raising the arms and out when lowering. Go slow and smoothly.

Stealing the Lunch Hour Back

If you work in place where you can walk to lunch, do it at least twice a week. I would even hold meetings at restaurants where we had to walk for five fifteen minutes. If you don’t work where you can walk, drive and park ten minutes from the restaurant door. You can call your order ahead so your don’t need to wait.

Steal Back TV Time

How long do commercials run? About three minutes. Why not do three minute exercise segments, or, exercise and watch TV. What can you do in three minutes?
  • Pushups
  • Sit-ups
  • Dumbbell Exercises
  • Jump Rope
  • Aerobic Steps
  • Yoga Postures

Dance Dance Dance

Have some fun. Put on your favorite dance music and dance for 10 minutes. Don’t look now, you just got a workout.
Finding inspiration to work out is easier when you’re not really giving anything up that you value. If you need workouts to lose weight, make it a goal to find one half hour three time a week to work out for a least 30 minutes. You can use The Ultimate Simple Workout Routine to do that.

Where Can I Find 30 minutes 3 Times a Week?

Now this is really making time to exercise. This is the big leagues and requires more creativity. Many others have suggested carving it out of your sleep time. They say you’ll feel better for it. I disagree, you’ll feel really lousy with even less sleep and you’ll hate to exercise afterward. Here’s some ideas that might just work for you:
  • Walk and take the kids with you
  • Walk and take your Mom or Dad, or both, with you
  • Walk at the mall and reward yourself with a smoothie afterwards
  • Cancel one or two of your TV Shows and do it then
  • Eat lunch an hour early at your desk and walk during lunch hour
  • Stay late at work, but workout instead
  • Go early to pick-up the kids and walk while waiting
  • Stop doing something you really hate and workout instead
If your best friend asked you to help them find a way to make time to workout, what advice would you give them? Well?
Find it, steal it, make it. Do it you one minute, five minutes, 10 minutes or an hour. Make it fun and don’t give up anything you love to do in the process. That’s how you can go about finding time to workout.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 25 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

How Can Breakfast Help Your Diet?

Do you ever wonder if breakfast can help your diet? I truly dont think people think about that question because so many people miss breakfast all together. Maybe they dont think how important breakfast is early in the morning or maybe they just dont have the time to eat breakfast.
I’m hoping by you reading my article today, it can help you decide if breakfast can help your diet. The first thing you want to do early in the morning when you get up is to think of breakfast as your fuel to start your important day and make sure you dont miss it. Just like a car, breakfast helps you start the day with a full tank. When you eat this early meal you will noticed it can help with managing your weight along with boosting your energy and enhancing your body to concentrate as early as possible.
Keep in mind that whole grain cereal, topped with fruit and fat free milk is full of fiber which is certainly a major component for excellent digestive health. It provides protein for brain function, and antioxidants to help decrease risk of disease. It’s definitely a breakfast with staying power that keeps you feeling fuller for a very long time during your hectic schedule throughout the day.
When it comes to your diet, feeling good and maintaining a healthy weight will be a big factor in reducing the risk of diseases. According to the USDA, essential ingredients include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low fat milk products, along with lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts is all you need for your body to stay in optimun health. I might add its very important to drink your water.
The healthiest diet is also low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt, and added sugars. Your diet should be rich in vitamins, minerals, whole grains, fiber, and antioxidants. But how do you make sure you’re getting the essentials you need?
Well, one of the most important questions you should be asking, are you getting the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for extraordinary health? And if you’re not sure, check nutrition facts on food labels. There, you’ll find the percentages of vitamins and minerals contained within, along with fiber, calorie, sugar, and fat content. I hope this article is straightforward to help you decide how to tackle the best way to keep your body producing at a high level with the right ingredience you need throughout the day

วันพุธที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Why is Physical Fitness Important?

There is no one benefit to physical fitness, but rather it is an all encompassing improvement to your health and life. The importance of health related fitness is not new. From the time we could crawl we were taught to run and exercise. As children we never knew what we were doing was considered “exercise,” we just played to have fun. As we aged we lost our sense of fun and regular physical fitness became a chore that most of us find boring.

Each year our reliance on fast food and take-out grows as our lifestyles become faster paced with less time to spend in the kitchen trying to eat healthy. We see our waistlines increase each year while we exercise less and less. Exercise is not just important for our physical appearance, but for our complete health, both physically and mentally.

The importance of physical fitness starts on a micro level in our cells, and eventually benefits our entire body. When we exercise our lungs take in additional oxygen, which is fuel for the heart and the brain. The heart begins to pump faster and sends fresh oxygen and blood throughout your body and cleanses your cells. As we exhale we release carbon dioxide, a waste product.

Our heart is a muscle. Like any muscle it can grow strong, or it can be weak. Regular exercising strengthens the heart and helps prevent heart disease. When the heart is weak, it strains to continually circulate blood throughout the circulatory system. Regular exercise can also help to prevent strokes.

Through regular exercise we can help regulate our blood sugar levels, which can help prevent diabetes as well as obesity. It also helps to increase your “good” cholesterol, or HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein).

Believe it or not, physical fitness is beneficial for our mental health as well. Exercise can release stress and tension in our lives. Strenuous exercise can release endorphins in your brain, and actually make you happier. This phenomenon is known as a “runner’s high” as runners often experience this after a long run.

The importance of health related fitness can be seen in every aspect in our life. We are generally happier and have higher self-esteem when we are in good shape and we risk less health complications. Exercising will help us sleep better through the night, and will give us more energy throughout the day. Just 30 minutes a day can change your life for the better.