If you want to get lean abs you may want to forget about ab circuits and ab crunches for a few weeks and start focusing on fat blasting workouts that target the entire body and core in a totally different way. Below Truth About Abs creator Mike Geary shares 3 of his favorite non-ab workouts that burn tons of fat off your body and challenge every inch of your core for lean toned abs.
Staircase Workouts Stairs can be found just about anywhere including football fields, hotels, office buildings, parking structures, and in your own home and can be a great way to burn loads of fat off your body which is essential for lean abs. MG suggests "to get an awesome full body workout by mixing stairs sprints with an upper body exercise like pushups or pull-ups. If done with a high enough intensity, stairs workouts help to create changes throughout your entire body due to the muscle building and fat burning hormonal response and metabolism increase that you get through working the biggest muscle groups in your entire body". Great Alternative: Hill Sprints or Wind Sprints.
Rope Climbing Because this is something you probably haven't done since you were a kid it's going to be challenging, fun, and will burn serious fat and calories. MG suggests "you incorporate rope climbing into intense workouts by climbing up, then lowering yourself back down. Then while your upper body is recovering for the next climb, you can do a lower body exercise like squats or lunges, or go up and down stairs. Keep alternating the upper body rope climbs with the lower body exercises in between for an awesome full body workout". Great Alternative: Indoor Rock Climbing.
Jumping Exercises There are countless jumping exercises like squat jumps, box jumps, lunge jumps, broad jumps, and even jumping jacks. According to MG "the explosive and powerful nature of jumping exercises works your leg muscles in an entirely different way and they also elicit the greatest testosterone response of all tested exercises. That means more muscle and less fat on your entire body, not just your legs. Try super-setting jumping exercises with upper body exercises for some really intense workouts". Great Alternative: Jump Rope or Mountain Biking.