Would you like to continue to exercise even if you're injured, sick, dealing with overwhelming amounts of stress, have a serious illness or condition (i.e. caner, neuropathy, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, obesity)?
Here are some really important work out tips to follow:
1. Get clearance from you doctor about whether you can workout and what you should and shouldn't do.
2. Assess don't guess about what your body needs. Loads of people just start doing random workouts that make no sense and then end up worst off. Find out what areas need improvement then get busy finding the exercises and workout routines that will help you make progress.
3. Be patient with your body and yourself. Maybe you used to run marathons or lift big heavy weights or walk every day. What your body could do a few months or a few years ago doesn't matter. It's where you are now that counts. Keep this in mind and stick to exercise your body can handle right now. Eventually you can get back to your old routine.
4. Think outside the box. Don't limit yourself to what you've always done. It may no longer work for you but maybe one day it will again. Try new things, different things, things you would not have considered. Now is the time to get out of your rut and find something that works. This may not sound appealing if you're a creature of habit but just go with it. You might surprise yourself.
5. Prioritize yourself! If you have no clue how to workout then spending a little on education from an expert can really turn things around. You might have to sacrifice your nail appointments and your clothes buying or your eating out habits for a while but your body and health are worth it. Be smart and think $400 on shoes and clothes and extra calories vs. $400 on an expert that will help me feel better forever. It's a no-brainer.